Welcome, my name is Emmanuel Balpe !
I'm a enthusiast Web Developer. I've been working with Java for about 10 years and I've been really serious with JavaScript for 2 years now. I love to learn new technologies, research and work through complex problems. I try to pay the highest attention to quality, I love to see my tests run green.
I also love sharing my knowledge with others and talk about it.
- Solving the hanging tests in Micronaut application
- Use the structural search function of Intellij IDEA to smart replace
- Having fun with perspective in CSS
- Optimize your code by reducing disk access
- Backup and restore postgres databases using cli tools
- Migrate your existing Java Servlet jsp app to a modern stack React SPA + API
- Setting up local git config to use a different user in personal and work projects
- Update a PostgreSQL table using a WITH query
- Java Optionals
- Ajout d'une dépendance externe non disponible sur un central repository
- Debug dependency conflicts
- Using Generic Types in Java to create a method that will handle any API call
- Secure your Java Servlet Application with Keycloak
- Prettier to format your Java codebase
- Build a simple CLI tool to simplify your day-to-day tasks
- Basic monitoring with curl and jenkins/gitlab
- Overriding Dependency Injection with HK2 in Jersey Tests
- Run multiple Postman Collection in parallel — Stress-Tests
- Jersey Injection Dependency example with HK2
- Automatiser le déploiement avec Gitlab + Docker + Ouroboros
- Automatiser les tests d'intégration de votre API avec Postman et Newman